If they are unlucky, they are quietly killed. If they are fortunate, they are abandoned. Irony. Because these children are just like all other children. They can run as fast. They can study as well. They can laugh like you and I. Except for oneshortcoming. Their cleft defect and facial deformity
Inga Health Foundation is a charitable organization registered as a trust in 2006 in Mangalore, Karnataka, India. The foundation has a tax waiver for all donations made under Section 80G of the IT Act and has been granted a FCRA approval. Inga Health is aimed at treating the less fortunate children born with facial deformities like cleft lip and palate. Over the years, Inga Health has grown into an indigenous body, which runs 5 state‐of‐the‐ art centers for skull & facial deformities across the country. Each of these centers is equipped with a highly trained team to provide surgical treatment and follow up therapy all round the year.
Apart from having improved the lives of more than 7,500 children by giving them a normal face, the foundation boasts of having trained over 40 surgeons free of cost both from India and abroad. .
In addition to free surgery, Inga Health also provides free stay, food and transportation to all needy patients who otherwise would never have been able to smile. That’s not all, efforts are taken to offer orthodontic care and speech therapy to reintegrate these children into mainstream society. In a country where around 40,000 children are born with this horrible deformity which impairs their self esteem and social activity, Inga Health has done its bit by changing the lives of 2,000 children each year and is committed to encourage and spread awareness of treatment available for facial deformity and to get rid of the stigma that is attached to it.
Inga Health Foundation focuses exclusively in treating the most complex of skull and facial deformities.
Skills required for treating these children are both rare and hard to acquire. It takes several years of training, hard work and commitment to acquire the highest levels of skills and techniques.
This leads to immense emotional, but probably less financial satisfaction. Hence, great emphasis is placed in identifying and training surgeons and team members for the future
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